Wednesday, 27 April 2016


Directors: Laura Poitras
Stars: Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, and William Binney

A documentarian and reporter travel to Hong Kong for meetings with Edward Snowden. This documentary solely looks at the USA keeping tabs on other governments, countries citizens and those citizens of America. Edward Snowden is the person who gained access to many different top-secret documents revealing the notion that anything you do, the government can and have held a record of it.

My Review:
This documentary is easily the best film I have seen in the past couple of years. I somewhat understood what news channels were talking about during the time that Snowden was revealing what the American government were doing. But this documentary left me with a comprehensive understanding while providing for intriguing viewing of behind the scenes of how Snowden was revealing all this information. The audience gained a better insight into him as a person and how he was living in Hong Kong during this time. I would’ve potentially liked to see more about Snowden once all this information was revealed. Overall I can see why it got an Oscar and would recommend this to anyone.

My Rating:

London Has Fallen

Director: Babak Najafi
Actors: Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, and Morgan Freeman

This movie evolves the President of the United States (POTUS) being a wanted man by Middle Eastern Terrorists based on his previous attempt to kill the leader. Years later the prime minister of England is suddenly dead and it calls for a funeral in London requiring the presence of major leaders across the world on short notice. Little do these major leaders know that the Middle Eastern Terrorists have a plan to assassinate them all in order to get revenge on the US by capturing the POTUS with no regard for the damage done to London in meantime. The POTUS has his special guard with him (Gerard Butler) whose job it is to lead the POTUS out of London.

My Review:
I’m a sucker for action movies and seeing cities fall apart. I really enjoyed how London was destroyed in this movie. Some parts in the movie had some poor or laughable acting. Overall Gerard Butlers role was played very well, I was sold on the fact that he was serving as a hero in risking his life to make sure the POTUS was safe with minimised harm being caused. The ending was predictable but very exciting and slightly unique which was good to see. Overall I would recommend it to those that similar to me enjoy seeing cities being destroyed mixed in with a bit of action and purpose.

My Rating:


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