Director: David Fincher
Stars: Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Meat Loaf and Helena Bonham
An insomniac office worker, looking for a way to change his life, attends support groups in attempts to subdue his emotional state. After meeting a soap manufacturer, Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), he is dragged into an underground fight club that spirals out of control and evolves into something much more. The narrator and Tyler bond through the violence, a strange situation becomes complicated when Tyler becomes involved with Marla (Helena Bonham) who too, artificially attends support groups to help her continue with life. Engaging in competitive rivalry for love and power the narrator learns more about his so-called 'friend', Tyler.
My Review:
The famous Chuck Palahniuk' book, 'Fight Club' was created as film very successfully. The acting was solid, believable and very very entertaining. The way the film was directed definitely grasped the audiences' attention by representing the relateable desperate cry of the modern consumerist. Similarly to American Beauty, the film displays a mind-bending message about society and the philosophy behind consumerism and self-deterioration. *The twisted plot gives first time viewers unpredictability considering Tyler is actually the narrator. Thus, emphasising that the fights that he is pursuing are not always physical but in this case mental. The movie was dramatic as well as humorous. 100% Recommend!
"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."
My Rating: 8.5/10